Coat of Arms Official 1
Our coat of arms is a representation of four key elements of nursing. It is composed of the inner meaning of what nursing means to us.These four elements integrate the power of:
1. medicine- represents the power of science and technology
2. a higher being- represention of power of faith
3. family integrated care- represents the power of a united family and holistic approach of nursing care
4. collaborative care-represents the collaboration of an interdisiplinary care approach.

Nursing is a profession drawn by passion of faith. We are angels on earth.


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Members' Title

Nursing 3110 Dimensions of Professional Practice. Focusing on trends, issues, and management of nursing in today's world.

Leader- Malika James
Web Designer- Melinda Fontaine
Editor- La Tisha Weekes
Collaborator- Henry Rodriguez

About Me

Hi and welcome to our page. We are nurisng students attending the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus. We would like to reach out to as many people as we can. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. We are here to provide helpful resources as well as receive other helpful information to achieve our goal by making a difference in 2010 to everyone.Group Members include( Malika James, LaTisha Weekes, Henry Rodriguez, Melinda Fontaine)

A nurse should implement droplet precautions for a client with which disease?